Do I Need a Building Permit?
Building permits are required for most major construction projects. These projects include new buildings, additions, renovations, alterations, repairs, relocations, demolitions or the change of use in an existing building. IJD Inspections Ltd. specializes in helping clients obtain building permits in Central Alberta.
Adoption of the National Energy Code 2011
On November 1, 2016, Alberta adopted the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2011 (NECB). This code applies to assembly occupancies, care and detention occupancies, high hazard industrial occupancies and other Part 3 buildings under the Alberta Building Code. Part 3 buildings are over 600m² in area and/or more than 3 storeys high.
Also on November 1, 2016, Section 9.36 of the Alberta Building Code 2014 (ABC) took effect. This change affects smaller buildings not under the scope of the NECB. Houses, duplexes and smaller commercial buildings need to incorporate the requirements of Section 9.36.
The major changes to buildings affect:
- Building Envelope
- Lighting
- HVAC Systems
- Service Water Heating Systems
- Electrical Power Systems and Motors
Compliance with the NECB and Section 9.36 of the ABC can be achieved by following the requirements in the code or utilizing trade-off provisions to achieve required performance levels.
Here are links to online modeling software and more information on energy codes:
- Canadian Wood Council – Wall Thermal Design Calculator
- Can-Quest Modelling Software
- City of Calgary (NECB for Buildings)
- Alberta Municipal Affairs General Information
Applying for a Building Permit
For new construction projects, please see our building permit application checklist!
Building Permit Checklist Apply for Permit
Complete the permit application form including a detailed description of the project or occupancy to be covered by the permit, project location, names, addresses and phone numbers of the project owner and contractor. Applicant name and signature are required.
Supporting Documentation Downloads
Please refer to these Supporting Documentation Downloads for other project type requirements: