FAQ: General Questions
All of Your Questions about Permits Answered
Have questions about permits? IJD Inspections Ltd. has taken the time to gather answers to some of the questions we hear the most from our customers in Central Alberta. Should you not find the answer to a specific question listed below or on our Building Hints, Electrical Hints, Plumbing/Gas Hints or Private Sewage Hints pages, you are more than welcome to contact us and speak to one of our knowledgeable staff members directly.
Permits can vary depending upon the type and the type and size of the project involved. Please contact us for current rates. Permit fees include all costs associated with the permitting and inspection process. Permits are GST-exempt.
Types of permits include building, electrical, plumbing, gas and private sewage disposal systems. The Alberta Safety Codes Act requires that installations of these types be covered under a permit and that they must be inspected. IJD Inspections Ltd. offers inspection services in Central Alberta.
In addition to the development permit, other permits are required such as building, electrical, gas, plumbing and private sewage permits. These permits ensure that your construction is completed in accordance with provincial codes and the Safety Codes Act. Building without the proper permits and inspections can also lead to costly repairs in the future.
As the homeowner, you may take out all of the necessary permits. However, the people contracted to complete the installations should take out their own permits.
Typically, permits are valid for one year, provided it is not abandoned for more than 120 days and work must commence within 90 days of permit issuance.
If you’re seeking a new single-family residential homeowner permit for building, electrical, gas, plumbing or private sewage disposal systems, view our helpful hints about when to call for inspections.
Minimum Cover Requirements (*Note: Minimum cover means the distance between the top surface of the conductor, cable, raceway or conduit and the finished grade.)
Gas Lines-Minimum Cover
Non-vehicular Areas: 15″
Vehicular Areas: 24″
Minimum Distance Requirements
Septic Tanks or Sewage Holding Tanks shall not be located within:
- 1m (3.25’) from any property line or building
- 10m (33’) from any water source or water course
No part of the Disposal Field measured from any part of a trench shall be located within:
- 1.5 (5’) from any property line
- 15m (50’) from any water source or water course
- 5m (17’) from a septic tank or package treatment plant
- 10m (33’) from any basement, cellar or crawl space
- 1m (3.25’) from any non-basement building or one that does not have a permanent foundation
- 5m (17’) from a building that has a permanent foundation but no basement, cellar or crawl space
No part of a Treatment Mound shall be located within:
- 3m (10’) from any property line
- 15m (50’) from any water source or water course
- 3m (10’) from a septic tank
- 10m (33’) from any basement, cellar or any non-basement building
An Effluent Discharge to the ground surface shall not be located within:
- 50m (165’) from any water source
- 45m (150’) from a water course or from a building
- 90m (300’) from any property line
A Lagoon that serves a single dwelling or duplex shall not be located within:
- 100m (330’) from any water source or water course
- 45m (150’) from a building
- 30m (100’) from any property line
Note: All measurements shall be taken from the outside of the Berm, where the side slope of the Berm intersects with the natural grade.
On a property that adjoins a permanent body of water such as a lake, river, stream or creek, the Effluent Disposal component of a private sewage system shall be located:
- Not less than 90m (300’) from the shore of the body of water or
- Where a principal building is located between the system and a body of water, the distance may be reduced to the minimum distance requirements for that method of treatment and disposal.
Sepctic Tanks or Houses and Duplexes
Number of Bedrooms |
Minimum working capacity of Septic Tanks in Litres (gallons) |
3 or less | 3360 (740 IG) |
4 | 4260 (940 IG) |
5 | 5200 (1150 IG) |
6 | 6130 (1350 IG) |